tugger Blog

Why Do Businesses Use Electric Tuggers
The main reasons why enterprises choose to use electric tractors are their high efficiency, low cost and environmental protection advantages. The operating cost of electric tractors is 30% lower than that of traditional internal combustion engine equipment, and it can...
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What Is Semi Automated Material Handling
Semi-automated material handling refers to the use of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) to partially replace manual labor for improved efficiency. From 2019 to 2023, the market size reached $12.6 billion, with an annual growth rate of around 7%. AGVs, costing...
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How Long Do AGVs Last? A Comprehensive Analysis Strategy
The life expectancy for AGVs, such as GYPOT's electric Assit Robots, is usually five to seven years, depending on the frequency of maintenance and the operating environment of such machinery. Regular maintenance can provide an additional 20%-30% life expectancy, decrease replacement costs,...
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