tugger Blog

Electric tugs have revolutionized warehouse material handling by efficiently moving heavy loads, enhancing operational safety, and reducing carbon emissions. Their flexible design adapts to narrow spaces and supports various attachments for handling different types of loads, making warehouse operations more efficient,...
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It enhances efficiency by 20% compared to traditional models, as wireless electric tuggers effortlessly can tow up to 6,000 kg. They save 25% on maintenance costs by minimizing tripping hazards and facilitating adjustments in real-time navigation. For instance, wireless tuggers save warehouses 4...
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Walking electric tugs can effectively reduce labor costs in heavy industries by reducing physical labor, increasing handling efficiency, minimizing injury risks, and reducing personnel requirements and training costs, thus significantly optimizing personnel and operational expenses for companies. What Are Electric Tugs...
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The application of electric tugs in industrial environments has significant advantages, not only enhancing workplace safety but also greatly reducing physical strain on workers. Powered by electricity, they lower operating costs, exhibit excellent maneuverability, and perform efficiently in confined spaces. The eco-friendly features...
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Yes, GYPOT's electric tow tugger can run over 8,000 hours, which covers over 3+ years at 8-hour use every single day. Appropriately built with forged alloy gears and a precision motor at the core, it withstands 15,000 Nm torque, making it durable enough to work in...
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